I have made a couple of posts, but I haven't had a chance to introduce myself properly. So here it is.
The name Altaire12 is from the word 'Altair', which according to
Wikipedia is "the twelfth brightest star in the night sky". I came across this word when I had to give suggestions for the team name at work sometime ago, so I started searching for articles about Constellation to give me some ideas. Since then I have grown fonder and fonder to the name "Altair".
Why Altaire12? I guess I add the character 'e' after Altair to make it look more feminine. Hahaha... I don't know, I just feel like putting an extra 'e' there. However, the ID Altaire had been taken in Google, so I had to pick something else. Since Altair is the twelfth brightest star, I ended up using Altaire12. I know, the number might change in the future but I don't care, it is what it is now :)
About the black square at the corner of each picture, I just wanted to put a mark on every single pic, but I didn't have any design in mind (I'm not that creative anyway). I ended up using a bar code generator, I think it looks kinda cute :P It's a QR Code generated from
this site.
Ummm.. What else? Oh yea, I just want to point out that I'm not a professional photographer, nor am I interested in photography. I simply like taking pictures. My camera is just a small Canon digital camera and I don't have any special picture-taking skill, so the quality of the pictures might not be that good. Still, I hope you enjoy the blog :D